About SCTY

SCTY's mission is to build trust in science through products, services and experiences for the global good. Founded by Dr. Syra Madad and Ali Madad with the specific goal of empowering individuals to take control of their own health and well-being through education, public health awareness, and access to desirable and positive products.

Dr. Madad is a global leader in healthcare & public health with a focus on special pathogens. With extensive experience in disease outbreaks, Dr. Madad is a respected science communicator and writer, focusing on disease prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery with a special emphasis on healthcare and public health biopreparedness. Syra provides domain expertise and guidance for all of SCTY’s initiatives.

Ali Madad is a designer, consultant and longtime educator. His works can be experienced throughout the world and are entrenched in popular culture. Ali brings his years of experience building and launching brands, systems and technology to SCTY with the aim of creating products that are desirable and do good.

They believe in educating people on how public health saves lives. Goods at SCTY provides tools to take action, raise public health awareness, and improve health literacy.

SCTY's product line is starting with apparel for kids, to combat misinformation and instill values for the now and future. These products are designed to be effective and easy to use, making it easy for people to incorporate them into their daily lives. SCTY also plans to launch a range of educational materials, including videos, podcasts, and articles, to help educate people on important global health topics.

A portion of proceeds will goto non-profit organizations that share similar values and mission as SCTY.